We Can Be Your Hydraulic Specialist

Do you need to get an unbiased opinion on a new Hydraulic project? We can assist as a technical adviser or we can put bid packages together specifying all the components either independently or to your manufacturers preferences. I can determine components which are not based on my product lines since I have none, rather what components best fit the application. Ultimately, the customer will make the final decision. I have 35 years experience in designing systems and can see a project from start to finish.

I will tell you how much it will cost for a distributor to build the power unit and cost of system components, which keeps them very honest. It is very empowering when the customer understands the cost of a system and can be in complete control of his resources. I like to think of myself as a customer advocate which will be looking out for the interests of the customer.

My job is to help the customer save money while protecting him from being overcharged or sold an incorrect design. I have many customers that love my service and have saved literally thousands of dollars by avoiding bad design, being overcharged, and costly downtime.


Call me today Darryl 770-831-7677